Four Steps to Living a Life You Love

Over the next few articles I will be discussing what I have found to be an invaluable process for authentic and powerful living. Try it out and watch what happens in your own life! The following is the second article in this series.

Step Two

Requires us through awareness in the present moment to transform those frightened parts of our personalities into loving parts!

In previous blog articles I have discussed the impact of our fear-based personality structures on our behaviours and the destructive consequences our reactive behaviours can have on our lives. In most areas of our lives where we experience difficulty, pain and suffering are where we have reacted in a habitual manner to our fears. By perpetuating the same response we continue to create for ourselves the same circumstances that triggered us in the first place. We have generated negative Karma for ourselves.

The way through this is to choose to do something different and only then can we expect to experience different results. Continue reading

Four Steps to Living a Life You Love

Over the next few articles I will be discussing what I have found to be an invaluable process for authentic and powerful living. Try it out and watch what happens in your own life!

Step One

Spend more time in the present moment.

As human beings we tend to spend alot of time thinking about the future and the past. In fact thinking can only happen when we are focussed on what has already happened or what is about to happen. We cannot alter what has happened nor can we predict with any certainty what is about to happen. Yet the real essence of all life can only be found here and now where the mind is absent.

When we are obsessed with thinking we start to forget that we have hearts as well. When we tune into our feelings we open ourselves to intuiting rather than thinking. Excessive thinking is a way of distracting ourselves from how we feel.

Our thinking mind is a fantastic tool which we couldn’t survive without for long during our short visit to this earthly realm. Yet unchecked it soon becomes a destructive master which causes us much suffering. Our thinking disconnects us from the source of all – the power of love! Continue reading

Self-knowledge – the key to personal transformation

At the heart of personal growth is self-knowledge.

The more we learn about ourselves the more open and flexible we become. However, when we blame others for our problems we ignore the fact that all of our discomfort has to do with us and us alone.

When we externalise our discomfort we remain contracted, rigid and self-righteous. If other people really had the power to cause our discomfort we would spend most of our energy trying to control and manipulate them. That really is a waste of time yet that is what many people spend much of their lives doing. How often in our interactions with others do we try to assert a position of power over others? This is an external response stimulated by the frightened parts of ourselves.

The solution to all our feelings of discomfort and fear lie within not without. Continue reading

The Power of Love

This is not just a title for a good song. This is the key to living a miraculous life!

Love is a heartfelt state of being. When you are:

  • excited
  • inspired
  • enthusiastic
  • passionate
  • happy
  • joyful
  • grateful
  • compassionate …………… are expressing love.

When we excentuate the positive and fill our lives with love we can expect miracles to happen. Its really as simple as that.

Love melts away all forms of negativity. You can feel this when you are happy for no reason – you feel light, you feel invincible, you feel fantastic! When you give love changes start to happen in all areas of your life. Continue reading

Just Quoting

“Awareness is about noticing the moment. It is about stopping, looking, listening, feeling, experiencing fully what is happening. It is a meditation. Awareness turns everything into a meditation.” Dr Wayne Dyer

Being among equals – the anatomy of fear

“The first shall be last and the last shall be first” – Biblical saying.

Lets talk about equality. The idea of  winners and losers is just an illusion created by a self-perpetuating global society that feeds on economic power which is nourished by competition. Yet notions of “better than” and “not good enough” not only pervade the market place but also underpin our personalities. We are constantly comparing ourelves to other people and things.

All feelings of superiority and inferiority are fear based responses initiated by parts of our frightened personalities. We have created these personalities as a response to external experiences and they are intended to keep us safe. They are our armour against the slings and arrows cast by others or ourselves. In point of fact we are our own worst critics!

When interacting with other people and even in our self-generated internal dialogue the frightened parts of our personalities swing between feelings of superiority and inferiority depending on how we perceive the other person or thing we are relating to. We automatically resort to the aggressive/defensive weapons we have at our disposal when fear takes hold.

 If we feel superior we can become condescending, judgmental, intolerant, discriminatory, dogmatic and aggressive. If we feel inferior we can become guilt ridden, pleasing, victimlike, withdrawn, passively aggressive. Continue reading

More about life and death

We are born free and uninhibited. As young children we express our spontaneous and authentic selves in everything we do.

As we mature however we learn to experience and interpret life through the lenses of other people and organisations- society, our parents, our friends, our religions, our schools . We start to loose our authenticity. We dress ourselves in make believe personas which restrict us. We begin to contract as the weight of our psychological clothing starts to weigh us down. We have begun to die slowly! The sad thing is that we don’t even realise what is happening to us.

Like that statue of Bhudda I referred to in a previous article our golden, spacious and free nature has become encrusted with an outer layer of accumulated life debris. We don’t have to wait for physical death to find ourselves buried in a coffin or shroud as we are doing that to ourselves while we are still alive!

We develop our identities through this illusory shroud and either seek to avoid or exert control over anything that threatens their existence. At the root of it all is our feeling of powerlessness and the fear that generates. We feel separate and isolated from everthing and everyone else. We seek to temporarily regain the illusion of safety and security by trying to exert control over our external environment through destructive personality types such as anger, jealousy, pleasing, nastiness……. Elvis has truly left the building!! Continue reading

A matter of life or death?

In most discussion/debate about life and death these terms are usually treated as separate events. While in a practical sense this may seem true given the passage of time generally between these two events the real truth about life and death is that they are intrinsically connected and part of the same eternal process. One cannot exist without the other.

To live life fully we must also embrace the imminence of death and to easily accept and surrender to death we must have embraced and lived an authentically full life.

If we don’t accept that some day we will physically cease to exist then we may end up wasting our life and we may not truly appreciate the wonders and opportunities presented to us during our life and on our death bed struggle with what is a natural transition between the continual unending process of death and birth. Continue reading