Mirror mirror on the wall……

I think we all remember these infamous words from “Sleeping Beauty” which precede that often asked question.

These words still hold just as powerful message for us today as they did when we were children. The rest of the question is “who is the fairest of them all” and of course this is a question that we constantly ask ourselves as we navigate through our daily lives.

We make comparisons, we make judgments, we label people and things, we approve or disapprove and we criticise ourselves and others endlessly. We have developed identities and masks that we have decided will give is what we want – security and safety from harm and other people’s approval.

Yet in creating these “false” and illusory identities we have shut ourselves off from those “shadow” parts of us which we disown and repress. We call these “shadow” parts because they are different sides of the same coins of character that make up the primary identities which we parade around and display to others. These “shadow’ parts don’t fit with the self-created acceptable image we have of our selves. Continue reading

Magical Guidelines for Living a Powerful Life

As our lives can often be sidetracked by busyness we can sometimes overlook including on a daily basis some of the basic ingredients for our “life magic” show. 

The following magical guidelines have been adapted from Debbie Ford’s “Consciousness Cleanse” rules:

  1. Why – every morning before leaving home remind yourself about your purpose in life.
  2. Choose your state – you can choose to operate at a higher level of consciousness.
  3. Be present –  our thoughts arise from the past. Remember to focus on what you are doing and give your full attention to that.
  4. Be healthy – treat your body as the temple of your soul. Nourish and enjoy it. Continue reading