The Real Secret

There has been much talked and written about the creation/manifestation process and much of it is incomplete. The book  titled “The Secret” caused quite a stir when it was first published. It caused alot of people to rethink how they live their lives. However, it did cause some individuals to believe that all they had to do in life was choose what they wanted and with an abundance of focus it would somehow mysteriously manifest in reality for them.

This lead to individuals focussing on the future expectation of their dreams being fulfilled and the more they focussed on what they wanted as being out there in the future the further they seemed to move away from what they desired. Continue reading

Just Quoting

Quote of the month:

Do we choose to be compassionate? Caring? Loving? Do we choose to live as a Unified Whole, having everything to do with each other, or do we choose to continue living as separate persons, having essentially nothing to do with each other except insofar as we need and must use each other to ensure our individual happiness and survival?”

ND Walsch

The Anatomy of Need

We are constantly being bombarded with “new stuff” from advertisers and promoters. We are told that we must have this or that new “gizzmo” or that we can’t possibly live without a particular service or product. The whole point of these adverts and promotions is to convince us that our lives will somehow be less if we do not “buy into” their way of thinking.

This is a form of subliminal brainwashing aided by visual cues portraying how we will feel or look after investing in their product or service. However, this can only work if within us there is a belief that somehow something is missing in our lives or that we need something external to us in order for us to be happy.

Given that “big business” is made from these adverts and promotions there is quite clearly a NEED to fill! Continue reading