Conscience or Consciousness?

Our conscience plays the role of moral arbiter in our lives. It represents what we think about ourselves, others and what we are experiencing in our lives. Yet it has been developed predominantly through the input of other people and organisations. It stems from the past and spreads into tomorrow and expresses individuality and division.

Consciousness on the other hand is simply a state of observing without classifying what is being observed. It is the pure state of awareness that occurs outside of thinking. It exists only in the present moment and is the true expression of Oneness and unity.

Whenever we are fully conscious there is no conscience. Everything  just is.

Our conscience is the cause of much suffering. We judge, blame and are intolerant of anything or anybody who disagrees with us. When  we are fully conscious of ourselves and what is happening to us there can be only acceptance and compassion.

Which “C” will you choose to be?

Just Quoting

“Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you – all of the expectations, all of the beliefs – and becoming who you are.”

Rachel N Remen MD

A Fascinating “Watch”

I recently took my young son to see the movie “Hugo” a film directed by Martin Scorscese.

I expected to be sitting through yet another “boorish” made for children movie but was pleasantly surprised that this was not the case. Instead what was presented was a senstive and thought provoking film which had as much to do with the passage of “time” as it did “loss and healing”.

The central character of the movie “Hugo” an orphan lived in a railway station in the heart of Paris and had taken over the responsibility of keeping the stations clocks running to time after the death of his father and the disappearance of his adoptive alcoholic uncle. Continue reading