Celebrity or Celebration

Hero worship. Celebrity worship. Idolatory. These are all words that celebrate the central theme of greatness in other people or things. Main stream and social media feed our insatiable desire for vicarious fame, fortune and success through other people’s lives.

Why then the need for celebrating greatness in others?

The simple answer is that we don’t recognise it in ourselves. We have developed beliefs that keep us living small lives. We are unable to embrace our inherent power as the creators of our own lives. We instead observe and experience our own lives through our five senses and cannot imagine them any different than they already are.  Our extenal feedback mechanism thus becomes the predicator for our repeated habit of living life the way we always have. We then seek and get some short lived relief from the monotony and desperation that living our lives this way has on us through vicariously embracing the lives of others who seem to us to have made it. Continue reading

Have a Little Faith

 The title to the beautiful song by John Hiatt : “Have a little faith in me” also contains the key to manifesting our greatest desires. Listen here  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aYxMuLb3h8

Often we do not see what we want manifest in our lives even though we can visualise want we want and we support it affirmatively by positive statements of intent. These things alone are not enough. They are not enough because we all have firmly held beliefs which prevent us from developing the conviction needed to make our dreams come true. It is that conviction or faith which is the missing ingredient in the manifestation formula. Continue reading