Is there a problem here?

Life is not a problem waiting to be solved. Life is a mysterious celebration of living. At this level of consciousness problems are are no more!

Imagine being in a dark room – the lights are off and you cannot see! Turn the light on and all is revealed. So does darkness really exist or is it more just an absence of light?

Problems are very much like being in a darkened room. A problem is a lack of understanding about a particular situation or event. When we understand that everything is as it is meant to be – the good, the bad and the ugly – then we become enlightened and start to look for the possibilities that exist in all of the stuff that happens to us in life. That doesn’t of course mean that we won’t feel pain or discomfort from time to time just as we will also experience joy and pleasure.

What it does mean however is that if we approach all that life has to offer with a sense of awe and surrender we won’t be drawn into neurotic egoic thinking which causes us to react to life from the stance of  pure self-preservation. Our reaction to circumstances contributes to the escalating drama of the event.

I love this quote from Carl Jung which goes something like “Your most difficult problems in life cannot be solved they can only be outgrown”.

I think this means that our problematic events are the only way in which we can evolve. If everything in life remained the same there would be no change or growth. The basic premise underpinning all life is evolution.

When we stand still and fail to adapt and learn from lifes viscitudes we stagnate, contract and eventually die even when we are still physically alive.

Challenging circumstances force us to examine our paradigms about life and particularly those that no longer serve us.